
Storyteller and Brand Specialist

Who is Jessica Smith?

I discovered my love for storytelling early in life, pursuing a degree in media studies as a means to opportunity. That love of storytelling serves me well as a digital consultant for Conquest Communications, because what’s more important to a client than telling the story of their brand?  

Journalism always seemed like the most logical route for an aspiring author, so taking on my first professional editing experience through Radix, my university’s online news portal, was a sound choice.  This experience sparked my curiosity in digital content, and led me to the job of managing editor of EMERGE Magazine’s 2017 edition. More than a dozen student journalists reported to me, and I was in charge of ensuring their work matched the magazine’s brand and standards.  

These experiences hooked me on the digital world as a professional. I started with an editing role at The Canadian Press, where I became a digital lead editor for its biggest client, The Globe and Mail. The experience I have gained as a supervisor taught me the importance of flexibility and being meticulous with detail.  I have learned the use of diverse communication styles in order to accomplish one goal: creating coherent and compelling content for digital distribution. 

I pride myself in my ability to build content online for a digital audience: adding pictures, graphics, charts and links to give stories life and to make them even more relevant to clients and to users.  I appreciate the importance of creating visually-compelling content, which inspired me to become certified as a digital photographer.  Photography is transcendent, and a powerful method of narrative.

I believe in the importance of adaptability, and love experimenting with new content distribution methods, merging them with tried-and-true techniques.  Call it a millennial cliché, but I do believe in fearlessly embracing new opportunities, diving into challenges headfirst to forge a unique path.  Once a daydreaming storyteller, I’m now a proud editor, content creator and digital strategist who enjoys getting lost in a company’s story waiting to be shared.